The Working Koolie Association of Australia’s

Statement of Purpose

[a] To promote amongst the farmers and general public, a wide interest in the Koolie dog as an active, intelligent, working dog, who can turn its ability to all forms of work; from sheep, cattle or any kind of livestock on the farm, to truck and yards, to obedience, agility, tracking or sledding and anything in between, all the while being a loving friendly member of the family. At all times retaining and promoting the excellent natural herding skills the Koolie was developed for.

[b] To encourage, develop, and improve the standard of our Koolie dogs.

[c] To establish and maintain a true and accurate Stud Register, with the ultimate aim to have the Koolie breed accepted and recognised as a breed in its own right.

[d] To promote, encourage and assist working trials in their various disciplines.

[e] To take any action it deems necessary to further promote the interest of the Koolie dog and their various disciplines.

[f] To make and amend rules for the conduct of competition and trials of their various disciplines throughout the Association and its affiliates.

[g] To make and amend rules for the eligibility of workers and dogs in competition and trials held by the Association and its affiliates.

[h] To determine and amend a system of status Classifications of dogs in their various trials and competitions.

[i] To collect, publish and disseminate information relating to Koolie dogs, their performances and activities and affairs of the Association.

[j] To establish a panel of judges for trials and competitions.

[k] To maintain and provide a list of accredited judges that truly reflects those judges’ knowledge, ability, competence and integrity.

[l] To organise and raise funds for the purpose of the Association in a such manner as the committee may from time to time determine.

[m] To organise, conduct and promote trials and competitions for Koolies and other breeds as deemed appropriate.

[n] To establish relations and encourage exchanges with other Associations and affiliates having similar purposes and interests to the Association.

[o] To promote, at all times, good sportsmanship and good behaviour of all members.

The Working Koolie Association Australia Inc. is a friendly Association run by its Members for its Members in the promotion of the true Koolie breed.